Sunday, March 29, 2020

The ABCs of Learning English in Six Minutes

The ABCs of Learning English in Six MinutesThe BBC Learning English Six Minute English video series is designed to help anyone who wants to learn English in an entertaining and easy way. This course is composed of many different parts, each with a different focus that can be used separately or as a tool to help you improve on your speaking skills.The first part of the BBC Learning English Six Minute English course consists of twenty-four short videos that will teach you the fundamentals of speaking English. These videos will provide you with tips and tricks that can make you sound more natural and less fussy on the conversation. Most of these tips and tricks will include things like speaking 'as you are'from the heart', so that you can get the most out of your communication with others.You'll also learn how to speak properly in a sentence structure that is properly structured. With this information, you'll be able to speak English more naturally and smoothly. It is important that whe n you watch the video lessons that you pay attention to the details and structure of each lesson so that you understand how to move from a simple topic to a complicated one.The second part of the BBC Learning English Six Minute English video series is composed of two audio CDs, each of which consists of twelve short lessons. These lessons can be used to perfect your accent, conversational phrases, and other key elements of speaking. As you progress through the course, you'll be able to test yourself in English conversations with native speakers to see if you have learned new phrases and techniques.The final part of the program is composed of five lessons that focus on the most basic vocabulary level of spoken English. By the end of the course, you'll have been able to understand and use vocabulary that you would normally find in a first grade text book.In addition to these three main parts of the BBC Learning English Six Minute English program, there are also other tools that you ca n use to help you improve your speaking skills. One of these tools is a practice grammar lesson that can be added to the program at any time.Another simple online tool that can be added to the course is a games section that can help improve your accent and game your friends. These games can be challenging and fun, allowing you to sharpen your conversational skills in a fun way.Overall, the BBC Learning English Six Minute English video course is a great introduction to speaking English. With this type of program, you can get all of the information that you need to know about speaking effectively and enjoying life in English.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Election of 1800 vs. The 2016 Presidential Race

The Election of 1800 vs. The 2016 Presidential Race Regardless of your side of the party line, the 2016 Presidential race is high stakes at best and utterly horrifying at worst. Its easy to think that weve never had an election so contentious, never any candidates so awful, and that 2016 will catalyze the fall of America. Granted, it has been a very long time since weve had such a bitter Presidential race two hundred and sixteen years, in fact. The Election of 1800, also called the Revolution of 1800, was the fourth United States Presidential Election. Thomas Jefferson defeated John Adams in  a Presidential  race that makes 2016 look tame. Dont believe me? Heres what they have in common: Incumbent vs. Underdog  There may be no actual incumbent or underdog in 2016, but we do have an experienced politician running against a prominent public figure whod like for everyone to believe hes an underdog. The Election of 1800 was no different. Adams, the actual  incumbent, was running for reelection against Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, George Washingtons cabinet member, former ambassador to France, and Adams former vice president. Thats right, getting cozy with the opposing candidate  is nothing new. Two Big Names, Two Little Names  Many people forget that there were four candidates in the Election of 1800. Jefferson and Adams, much like Trump and Clinton, had the highest profiles, but Aaron Burr and Charles Cotesworth Pinckney also ran (2016s little names are Gary Johnson and Jill Stein). Rumors that libertarian  little  name  Gary Johnson might give Trump a run for his money well, before the Aleppo incident are oddly reminiscent of the way Burr nearly stole the election from Jefferson. After tying in the electoral college, the  decision was sent to the House of Representatives, who, after tying  a whopping thirty-five times, Jefferson won on the thirty-sixth ballot. Who knows? Maybe Gary Johnson can salvage his campaign and cause a similar upset. Lots of Other People Were Urged to Run The clamoring for Joe Biden and Mitt Romney to toss their hats into the ring is only an echo of the shouts for prominent politicians to intervene in the Election of 1800. The short list included George Washington, Adams predecessor, and  Alexander Hamilton, the former Treasury Secretary. Ad Hominem Attacks Ad hominem literally to the man attacks are no stranger to politics. Even so far back as the election of 1800, dirty politics played a prominent roll in campaigning. While Trump attacks Clinton over Benghazi and her emails, and Clinton attacks Trump over his remarks about women, Jefferson and Adams got a little more creative. Since open campaigning wasnt the fashion, candidates hired or befriended newspapers, other politicians, or notable men to campaign for them. Jeffersons supporters called John Adams a moral hermaphrodite and the Federalist Party tried to spread rumors that Jefferson died and Adams was the only viable candidate. So, really, attacking Clintons health and Trumps political flip-flopping is nothing new. Lots of Outside Voices If you think the 2016 election is drowning in commentary from pundits and politicians alike, the election of 1800 was worse. Because candidates bought out newspapers, political commentary and propaganda was everywhere. To top it all off, prominent men like Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and  George Washington stepped into the public square to offer their two-cents on each of the candidates. In fact, Hamilton was instrumental in getting Jefferson the candidate from the opposing party elected by the House. One Party Virtually Disowned Its Candidate Not only did Hamilton argue that Democratic-Republicans were amoral, anarchist atheists then turn around and support one in Congress but he argued that a member of his own party, John Adams, was just as bad. Hamilton lambasted Adams in the Letter from Alexander Hamilton, Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. President of the United States, which may be read  here. Hamilton, a notorious political hothead, obliterated the only other notable member of his own party and was essential in Adams downfall. Not only that, but soon after the election of 1800, the Federalist Party crumbled. Regardless of part affiliation or political leanings, its important to keep this incident and its consequences in mind as Reince Priebus and other notable Republicans denounce Donald Trump. It will have consequences not only for this election, but for the party in the long run.

Choosing Maths A-Level modules

Choosing Maths A-Level modules Students who are confident they will pass their GCSE maths exams this year may already be thinking about taking A-level maths next year. Depending on your school and exam board, you may have the option to choose which modules to take. A-level maths includes six modules, with each score of these modules contributing to the final grade. Most students compete three modules in one year, which will create an AS-level qualification in their own right and will complete the A-level course the following year with three more modules. Below we have listed a few A-level maths modules to help you make the right decision. Mathematics. Main A-level maths that covers trigonometry and calculus but could include other concepts depending on the exam boards and other courses your school may offer. If you are thinking of studying maths at university, this is the course for you but it's also useful for students wishing to take other courses such as science, engineering or economics. Pure mathematics. Pure and applied maths is also covered in the ordinary maths A-level course but if you are only interested in focusing on pure mathematics you may have the choice to take a pure maths course. Pure maths studies entirely abstract concepts with the trend towards meeting the needs of navigation, astronomy, physics and engineering to mention only a few. Statistics A-level statistics is about real world data, it includes concepts such as probability and estimation. Statistics is useful for business studies, economics or sociology although it's probably not the best choice if you wish to study maths at university because it doesn't contain any pure maths elements. Mechanics Considered to be one of the most demanding modules but if you are thinking of doing physics or engineering, the mechanics module is your best bet. You will learn the technique of mathematical modelling - turning a complicated physical problem into a simpler one that can be analysed and solved using mathematical methods. Use of mathematics. A new course that might not be available at your school or perhaps only at AS level. Use of mathematics doesn't include pure maths elements but focuses mainly on statistics and algebra and their uses in the practical world. Good option for students who want to extend their study of mathematics beyond GCSE but who are more interested in its application than in theoretical ideas. This course is not suitable for students aiming to study mathematics or an engineering course at university but is an acceptable A-level for many other courses such as business studies, biology, geography or psychology. Decision Mathematics This involves the study of algorithms and other methods used to solve problems involving networks. Applications included in this course could entail the design of circuits on microchips for example.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Helping Students Be Successful With Their CPA Courses

Helping Students Be Successful With Their CPA CoursesAs the number of CPA students being hired by large accounting firms continues to grow, more prospective candidates are turning to private CPA tutors in order to provide them with the necessary financial literacy and financial management training that they require. Many students find themselves taking a more hands-on approach to learning about the financial world by taking courses with their tutors and by working one-on-one with CPA firms. Private CPA tutors can provide these students with all the information they need to be able to formulate an effective and successful budgeting plan. Many other students want to earn more money but do not have the time to devote to academic courses in order to further their career.Students who receive services from private CPA tutors are afforded the opportunity to continue with their studies at a pace that is comfortable for them while receiving their degree. Private CPA tutors work in conjunction with their students in order to provide information about private practice and to help them understand the value of preparing for the CPA exams. They are highly skilled and knowledgeable in their fields, and are knowledgeable about the major accounting firms and what it takes to be a successful candidate in the world of business.A good private CPA tutor can have a great impact on a student's future financial prospects. Some students become overwhelmed by the stress and demands of pursuing a profession and do not find the time to devote to studying. When these students are approached by a private CPA tutor who can give them the attention they need to be successful, they can rest assured that they will be given the tools they need to succeed in the world of accounting. These tutors will also be able to inform students about the jobs that are available in the accounting field and will help them prepare for those examinations.Private CPA tutors often have a wealth of experience working in the field, as many businesses are able to tap into this valuable expertise through referrals. Some students have a better idea of their options than others, and this is where the tutor's experience comes in.Those students who are interested in learning more about the CPA field can choose between multiple CPA firms. Some of these firms require candidates to have extensive knowledge of corporate accounting, which in turn is another skill that is beneficial to those students who do not know much about it. Many of these schools also give students the opportunity to gain insight into the specific field by having tutors work directly with students in order to develop solid study habits.In order to effectively prepare for the CPA exams, students should choose a school that has an impressive history of alumni and success with past students. Some schools have earned a reputation as well as a strong financial package. All students will be given the opportunity to choose from this list, an d the choice will ultimately be theirs.Private CPA tutors are an important part of the world of accounting. By working with them, students will be able to acquire the skills they need to succeed in the world of business.

Find Out If Your Instructor Has an Official Website

Find Out If Your Instructor Has an Official WebsiteIt is not easy to find out if your instructor has an official website. When you go to the My Tutor page, you will find a 'Help' tab at the top right corner of the page. Just click on this tab and in few seconds you will be able to know more about your teacher.The main feature of My Tutor is the 'Who Teacher is' tab. This tab allows you to see who your teacher is and where you can find them. Once you are satisfied with the information that is displayed on the screen, click on the 'Close' button.On the My Tutor page, the instructor's name and contact details will be displayed on the screen. The name includes the full name, phone number, email address and any other info about your instructor. You can also click on the 'Status' tab to know if your instructor is online or offline. If you find out that your instructor is online, you can even send a message to him or her by clicking on the 'Message' tab.The next tab on the page will display the personal details of your instructor. You can check out the description of the subject, the certification level and the duration of the course you have taken. The format of the information includes the name, surname, phone number, email address and course date.Once you are satisfied with the information, click on the 'Save' tab to save the information in your computer. The information will be saved in your My Tutor database. It is best if you share the details with your friends.There are also different pages available on My Tutor for students. Students can see all the courses they have taken from their instructors. They can also check the current status of their instructors. These features are very helpful for students.In order to find out if your instructor has an official website, you can find the 'About My Tutor' tab. This tab provides information about the instructor, the course you have taken, whether you took the course online or offline and the course duration. You can ev en find information about your teacher's certification and whether he is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Education.

Maths for Kids Every Child is Capable

Maths for Kids Every Child is Capable Learn Maths: Realising the Academic Potential of Every Child ChaptersStarting Young is Beneficial for Learning Maths in the Long RunThe Importance of the a Maths Teacher's KnowledgeThe Importance of a Positive Mindset with Maths TuitionLearning to Change Your Mindset in Maths LessonsHow can a Private Maths Tutor Help?When you're young, starting your journey into the world of mathematics can seem like climbing Mount Everest.When some kids learn maths, every part of it is difficult.However, if the child has enough guidance from a good tutor from an early age, there is no reason that they should not succeed in maths.So if you're asking yourself whether your child is capable of learning their times tables, addition and subtraction and even reasoning, the answer is of course!This is because although maths is a vast subject, its many levels are taught according to the age and therefore intellectual maturity of the pupils.This approach gives children the fundamental skills they need for the rest of their lives, such as:Confidence in their abilitiesOp ening doors to careers in mathematics and scienceProblem-solving and understanding why decisions have been madeDeveloping IT skillsLearning to manage time and money in day-to-day lifeWith the help of an enthusiastic teacher, maths worksheets and exercises, and examples of the real-world applications of maths, students can discover a whole world of algebra, geometry, probability and statistics and graphing.Even if you have struggled with maths in the past, keep in mind that your children are different and, because of their  age, have their brains in the perfect state for learning how to tackle math problems.This article has all you need to know about helping children to learn quantities.In actual fact, children are most responsive to learning around the age of 5 years, and with the help of a math teacher to give them a firm foundation in the fundamental principles of maths at this young age, they will find it easier to develop an understanding of advanced mathematical c oncepts as an adult.So why don't all children find primary school maths as easy as each other? And how should you help kids to overcome their mental blocks in this area of their education?If all children have the same appetite for knowledge and ability to learn, maybe the explanation is to do with their upbringing. For example, if a pupil's parents don't provide the maths help their child needs alongside their education, the child can lose the confidence and motivation they need to succeed.The Importance of the a Maths Teacher's KnowledgeTo teach maths, an educator should not only be appropriately qualified, but they should also be enthusiastic about their subject.The more enthusiastic the teacher, the deeper their knowledge of maths in the real world will be - which can be beneficial for the academic career of their pupils, who become more interested in the subject as their teacher shares their passion.Having a shared enthusiasm for maths means students are more likely to take a pe rsonal interest in the subject, increasing their chances of maths mastery.We always hear about children being 'emotional sponges', so it's up to the teacher to use this and put all of their teaching methods, knowledge, and motivation into action to ensure that their pupils feel free to ask questions and get involved with their education.Learning through play gets children excited about maths ¦ source: Pixabay - LRCLIt has also been shown that teaching individual math concepts in detail is most  effective, because each child is able to understand and interpret each idea and theory instead of simply learning sums and every times table by heart.This shows that children are also capable of understanding algorithms if they learn by different methods.But if the teachers themselves impose barriers to teach them this discipline, it makes it more difficult to improve the children's self-esteem and allow them to demonstrate their full potential in this field.Has your child been diagnosed wit h dyslexia or dyscalculia and you want to know more about helping them learn maths? Read our article with tips and advice.Don't wait any longer, get stuck into maths right now! Find a tutor for maths revision GCSE.

How to Improve Your Singing Voice

How to Improve Your Singing Voice Singing Lessons to Improve Your Vocal Technique Chapters Vocal Techniques: The Top 10 Singing Exercises How Can You Expand Your Vocal Range? Learn How to Improve Your Vocal Timbre How Can You Work on Your Voice Every Day?“There’s nothing more beautiful than the human voice, when it’s beautiful” Laure ConanHaving a beautiful singing voice is an amazing thing in itself. It’s an innate gift and not everyone’s got it especially not to the extent they could show it off.  However, it would be a massive waste to not use these talents. You should do your utmost to foster these gifts with the appropriate training, singing lessons online, and learning how to sing properly.Broadening your repertoire of songs, increasing your range, improving both your head voice and chest voice, and doing breathing exercises: there are plenty of ways for anyone to improve their voice, learn to sing, and increase their chances of becoming a professional singer.In this article, we’re going to do a bit of vocal coaching and provide you with some s inging tips to ensure that your voice improves. TraceySinging Teacher 4.92 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PortiaSinging Teacher 4.91 (11) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolaSinging Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JazzSinging Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PerrineSinging Teacher 5.00 (3) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TiemSinging Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomSinging Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MiriamSinging Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Vocal Techniques: The Top 10 Singing ExercisesEven a really gifted singer shouldn’t rest on their laurels. A few vocal exercises are always going to be necessary. In order to perfect your voice, it doesn’t matter whether you work on these singing techniques under the supervision of a vocal coach or voice teacher in your own home or in a music school.While every singing teacher has their own preferred ways when it comes to improving your singing, here are 10 of our favourite ones.  When it comes to vocal training, there’s one word that you’ll hear a lot: repeat. Of course, don’t overdo as you’ll run the risk of losing your voice.If you want to learn to sing, you'll probably have to learn some music theory. (Source:’s have a look at some of the most effective ways to tame your voice and avoid hitting false notes.You can never avoid warming up your voice. If you don’t warm up, you may damage your voice, lose it, or end up tensing your throat when it comes to performing in public. Warm up exercises are mainly for your vocal cords, the main part of the instrument that is the voice. Sing your entire range, with your mouth closed in order to avoid overexerting, starting with a low pitch and move towards the high notes (making sure that you're doing so in tune). Beginners can use a keyboard or piano to check they're doing this correctly. Don’t forget that you need to relax all the muscles involved with the action of singing, too: glottis, larynx, pharynx, diaphragm, your entire body, really. You should also loosen up your cheeks and your lips and practise your elocution.Breathing and abdominal muscles go hand in hand. Learn to breathe properly and focus on diaphragmatic breathing. The best way to do this (and improve your posture) is to lie on your back and put a book on your chest: you have to make sure that the book doesn’t fall as you do your breathing exercises.Make yourself heard without shouting. While, this is important in all styles of music, it’s particularly important in opera singing. Your abs are going to be used to ensure that your voice carries as far as it can. The respiratory pressure allows you to increase volume without straining too much. Almost every type of vocal range can use this technique to help their voice go much further without the need for a m icrophone. The relaxing of the muscles used when vocalising naturally causes the human body to recuperate the air lost during the process.Be aware of your nasal cavity and where the air is flowing when you sing. Try singing different vowels while pinching your nose. This can help you become aware of when you’re singing nasally.The beginning is just as important as the end when it comes to singing any song. The same can be said for every note you make. This is what seperates the men from the boys. You need to take the time to physiologically analyse every sound you make and the attack. You should focus on how each sound starts, which muscles are involved, what position your tongue is in, etc. A private singing tutor can also go over these with you to ensure that you’re not picking up any bad habits.Managing stress can help you free up your voice. This can be done by focusing on your cervical spine. By moving your head around with your nose as a pivot point, you can relax a number of the smaller muscles you didn’t even know you had.In order to sing in key, you should take the time to think about your piece before you perform it. You should be aware of the melody in your head before your vocal cords have to perform it.Too many singers forget about articulation and elocution. Just like public speaking, when you learn how to sing, practising elocution is really important. By working on this, you’ll also help to improve your self-confidence and alleviate stage frightVowels are at the heart of every vocalisation and you should be practising them. Use a variety of vowel sounds in order to relax your pharynx and larynx and work on your vocal precision without ever overexerting yourself.Focus on the positioning of your tongue which tends to be too high. Pay particular attention to where it is when you make different sounds. How Can You Expand Your Vocal Range?Does the word tessitura sound foreign to you?  Firstly, that’s because it is. However, it’s a word t hat’s really important for singers to know.  Put simply, tessitura refers to the natural range of a voice (or an instrument in certain cases) in their chest voice.  This is why female singers are referred to contraltos, mezzo-sopranos, or sopranos, for example.Your tessitura is generally innate and will vary depending on your gender and age. Other factors such as puberty and menopause can also change your tessitura, effectively removing the higher notes of your range. It’s very rare for singers to drastically change their tessitura and it's even harder to teach someone to sing a song during their voice lessons if pieces isn't usually sang in their range.However, with effective training, the singer can shift and expand their range. In fact, there are plenty of exercises for those wanting to do this and singing teachers can help choose the right ones for you.Are you nervous about your singing? It might be time to enlist the help of a singing coach. (Source: should always master the lower and middle notes of your tessitura before focusing on broadening it.  As a general rule, a high note will be mastered using a head voice before it can be performed using a chest voice.Rather than being something you learn, this is something that you physically improve yourself to be able to do. This is a workout for your vocal cords and makes them more flexible and able to create frequencies that you previously couldn’t.  Of course, this involves a lot of trial and error and it’s very difficult to do this without the help of a professional. A private singing tutor, for example, will ensure that you’re doing it right.Of course, there are a number of singers like di Stefano, Callas, Pavarotti, Alagna, and Dessay who seem to break all the rules. Learn How to Improve Your Vocal TimbreYour vocal timbre is different to your vocal range. Timbre is the quality of the sound rather than the notes it can produce.  Vocal timbre is what makes us able to differentiat e one person’s voice from another’s. It’s also what makes us able to tell the difference between a recorder and a guitar as well as the differences in quality between the best instruments and some cheap rubbish you found in a second-hand shop.In addition to your singing, you should also be aware of your presence on stage. (Source: Thibault Trillet)Learning about your timbre is a way to learn more about yourself and your vocal personality. This is where we need to speak a bit musically.  Just like your vocal range, you can work on your vocal timbre. However, just like your vocal range, you shouldn’t expect to be able to drastically change it. Additionally, just like changing your vocal range, changing your vocal timbre takes a lot of time and effort.We often forget that breathing plays a large role in your vocal timbre, it makes your voice carry better, more constant, and also allows you to perform vocal techniques such as vibrato.  Once all the different aspects of the human voice have been explored and optimised, your vocal cords will be ready to show off their best qualities to an audience. That doesn’t mean you have to stop singing in the shower, though! How Can You Work on Your Voice Every Day?Of course, singing in the shower isn’t going to make you an overnight pop sensation!  Did you know that you can improve your singing with online singing tutorials?Working on your voice is something that you have to do everyday if you want to improve. There are some things that you’ll need to know in order to avoid damaging your instrument, though.Recording yourself is also a great way to improve your singing? (Source: that you need 6 to 7 hours of rest in order to fully recover after singing. Thus, if you don’t want to damage your vocal cords in the long term (which would be terrible for your career), you can’t overwork them. Even though surgery has made huge steps, it’s probably better to avoid it altogether rather than runni ng the risk.Take care of your throat by avoiding things that can harm it like fizzy drinks, dairy products, tobacco, and alcohol.  If you want to become a professional singer, you should consider using some (or all) of the top 10 vocal exercises we mentioned earlier in the article. These will help you improve your singing physically and mentally.You should pay attention to the detail, too. Consider furthering your career by using and consulting social media, taking extra classes, or even doing a degree, masters, or doctorate in music!Find a voice coach to help  you learn to sing:Voice coach LondonVoice coach Birmingham